
Hey Gorgeous Valentine's Day Bouquet - 12 Lavender Roses

  • Red Swirl Heart – 5.5 oz Assorted Chocolates For Valentine's Day | Salvy the Florist
  • Pretty Heart – 12.25 oz Assorted Chocolates for Valentine's Day | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 14" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 18" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 25" | Salvy the Florist
  • Wrapped Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 32" | Salvy the Florist
Luxe and lovely, lavender roses have a way of making the person you love feel extra special. This lush Valentine's dozen is mixed with delicate greens in a classic glass vase. This gorgeous bouquet includes 12 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf.