
Teleflora's Christmas Blush Bouquet

T407-3A XMFL
  • Small Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Large Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 18" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 25" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 32" | Salvy the Florist

Have yourself a modern little Christmas with red roses and white alstroemeria in a charmingly contemporary silver cube. After the holidays, you can use the vase to add pizzazz to bouquets year-round. The stylish Christmas flower arrangement includes red roses, red spray roses and white alstroemeria accented with pittosporum and ming fern.