
Teleflora's Precious in Pink Bouquet For Valentine's Day

  • Red Swirl Heart – 5.5 oz Assorted Chocolates For Valentine's Day | Salvy the Florist
  • Pretty Heart – 12.25 oz Assorted Chocolates for Valentine's Day | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 14" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 18" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 25" | Salvy the Florist
  • Wrapped Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 32" | Salvy the Florist

Everyone's crushing on this precious floral gift! Bursting with classic red and pink blooms, this magnificent mosaic vase of pink stained glass is sure to make her heart flutter. This Valenitne's bouquet includes pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature pink carnations, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's Precious in Pink cylinder.