
Teleflora's Send A Hug Reindeer Wish Bouquet

  • Small Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Large Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 18" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 25" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 32" | Salvy the Florist

Overflowing with festive blooms, this adorable reindeer delivers your holiday wishes! This delightful bouquet showcases red roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations, dusty miller, douglas fir, and white pine. It's beautifully presented in Teleflora's Send a Hug® Reindeer Wish Mug, perfect for spreading holiday cheer.