
Teleflora's Stunning Snowflake Bouquet

$64.99 $58.50
  • Small Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Large Christmas Chocolate | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 18" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 25" | Salvy the Florist
  • Talking "I Love You" Teddy Bear - 32" | Salvy the Florist

Make their holidays merry and bright with this classic Christmas red roses and carnations bouquet in a shimmering metal vase with charming snowflake cutout. Later, it's lovely as a votive! These holiday flowers are sure to deck your halls right! This Christmas flower arrangement includes red roses, red carnations, miniature red carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums, white waxflower, cedar, noble fir, white pine and variegated holly. Delivered in Teleflora's Stunning Snowflake Cylinder.